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Juwai Morning Teer Result – Today


The game of Teer, a unique combination of tradition and gambling, has woven its way into the cultural fabric of the Northeastern regions of India. Among its variants, Juwai Morning Teer stands out as a popular pastime and betting activity that captivates the hearts of many. Rooted in the age-old practice of archery, this game transcends mere sport, embodying a blend of skill, luck, and anticipation.

Teer Result – Juwai Morning

FR(First Round)10:30 AMSR(Second Round)11:30 AM

Not only the morning results draw, but also Juwai Teer  today and previous teer results can be found on our website. We update our tables as soon as the games are over to keep our readers informed. If you are a frequent Teer enthusiast, you can save our site to know the results quickly.

All about Juwai Morning Teer Game

Juwai Morning Teer is primarily played in the picturesque town of Juwai, situated in the Jaintia Hills district. The game unfolds each morning, excluding Sundays, as archers gather to showcase their prowess. Participants aim at a target, and the results—derived from the number of arrows hitting the mark—are eagerly awaited by bettors.

Betting in Juwai Morning Teer involves predicting the last two digits of the total number of arrows that hit the target. These digits, known as the “Teer numbers,” range from 00 to 99. Enthusiasts place their bets on what they believe will be the winning numbers, often relying on dreams, signs, or complex calculations to guide their choices.

The allure of Juwai Morning Teer lies not only in its potential for financial gain but also in its cultural significance and the sense of community it fosters among participants. It supports a thriving economy, providing livelihoods for archers, bettors, and those involved in the operational aspects of the game. Protection Status